Fast and Accurate Microarchitectural Simulation with ZSim

MICRO-48 Half-Day Tutorial


Daniel Sanchez, MIT CSAIL

Nathan Beckmann, MIT CSAIL


ZSim is a fast, scalable, and accurate microarchitectural simulation infrastructure. It can simulate multicore systems with detailed out-of-order cores and complex, heterogeneous memory hierarchies at speeds of 10s to 100s of MIPS.

This tutorial, colocated with MICRO-48, will feature a combination of short presentations to describe the main features of ZSim, several hands-on sessions, and an in-depth discussion of the key techniques used to parallelize and validate the simulator.

Consider attending this tutorial if you are interested in getting started with ZSim directly, want to learn enough about ZSim's techniques to apply them to your own simulation infrastructure, or if you are broadly interested in architectural simulation techniques.

Tutorial Topics

Topics covered will include: